Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Singapore Mother and Child Insurance Plan Comparison

Oh well.. I have been really anxious about my first pregnancy and have done a quick research of all the insurance available in the market for Mother and Baby. Personally, I think most of them covered more or less the same. But as almost all of them requires ILP (Investment Linked Plan), which none of them gave a guaranteed returns, thus I already have a couple of plans for myself so I do need see how it is important to add on ILP. The good thing is ILP can be transferred to the baby without any underwriting and provides a "savings" even before the child is born. I bought Grest Eastern, which gave pretty much all the coverage I need with no addition ILP that bind me up for a year at least..

Here's a quick comparison that you may find it useful for your own decision.
(Downloadable pdf here:)

AIA First Baby AXA's Mum's Advantage with Mum's Care AXA's Mum's Advantage with Mum's Care Plus Great Eastern Flexi Maternity with Essential Plan Great Eastern Flexi Maternity with Enhanced Plan PRUfirst gift
General Premium S$448.92 ($37.41/mth) S$455.80 S$1,491.45 S$561 S$1005 S320
  Coverage Criteria: • Mother of 18 - 45 yo
• 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy
• Mother of 18 - 45 yo
• 16 and 36 weeks of pregnancy
• Mother of 18 - 45 yo
• 16 and 36 weeks of pregnancy
• Mother of 18 - 45 yo
• 13 weeks till 30 days after child birth
• Mother of 18 - 45 yo
• 13 weeks till 30 days after child birth
• Mother of 19 - 45 yo
• 18  till 32 weeks
Mum's Coverage Conception through IVF Y Y,
with extra premium loading
with extra premium loading
  Pregnancy Complications Coverage S$5,000 for the following 8: S$5,000 for the following 10: S$12,000 for the following 10: S$5,000 for the following 8: S$10,000 for the following 8: S$5,000 for the following 7:
  Still Birth (after the 28 week gestation) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Pre-Eclampsia or Eclampsia (high blood pressure) (after 20 weeks of pregnancy) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Abruptio Placentae (premature separation of the placenta from the uterus) (after 20 weeks of pregnancy) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Postpartum Haemorrhage requiring Hysterectomy (loss of more than 500 ml or 1,000 ml of blood within the first 24 hours following childbirth, requiring the removal or uterus) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Amniotic Fluid Embolism (rare emergency in which amniotic fluid, fetal cells, hair, or other debris enters the mother's blood stream via the placental bed of the uterus and triggers an allergic-like reaction.) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Fatty Liver of Pregnancy Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (widespread activation of the clotting cascade that results in the formation of blood clots in the small blood vessels) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Placenta Increta/Percreta (Placenta Increta occurs when the placenta attaches even deeper into the uterine wall and does penetrate into the uterine muscle; Placenta Percreta occurs when the placenta penetrates through the entire uterine wall and attaches to another organ such as the bladder) Y Y Y Y Y  
  Uterine Rupture   Y Y      
  HELLP Syndrome (Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count)   Y Y      
  Hospital Care Benefit S$100 per day (max 30 days)
up to a limit of S$3,000
S$100 per day (max 30 days)
up to a limit of S$3,000
S$200 per day (max 30 days)
up to a limit of S$6,000
S$100 per day (max 30 days)
up to a limit of S$3,000
S$200 per day (max 30 days)
up to a limit of S$6,000
S$100 per day (max 25 days) up to a limit of S$2,500
  Death  S$5,000 S$5,000 S$15,000 S$5,000 S$10,000 S$5,000
  TPD With rider NA NA Yes,
Shared amount of S$5,000
Shared amount of S$5,000
Child's Coverage Congenital Illness Coverage: S$5,000 payment for the following 18: S$5,000 payment for the following 18: S$12,000 payment for the following 18: S$5,000 payment for the following 18: S$10,000 payment for the following 18: S$5,000 payment for the following 17:
  Anal Atresia (The anus is either not present or it is in the wrong place) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Congenital Cataract (clouding of the lens of the eye) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Congenital Deafness  Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (hole in the diaphragm allows abdominal organs to move into the chest) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Infantile Hydrocephalus (abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Tetralogy Fallot (4 heart malformation that present together, 1 of which is SUPER RARE) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Transposition of great vessel (Congenital heart diseases involving only the primary arteries) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Retinopathy pf Prematurity (abnormal blood vessels to grow in the retina) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Atrial Septal Defect (congenital heart defect in which blood flows between the atria (upper chambers) of the heart) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Ventricular Septal Defect (is a hole in the wall that separates the right and left ventricles of the heart) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Down's Syndrome Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Spina Bifida (incomplete closing of the backbone and membranes around the spinal cord) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Absence of two limbs Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Cleft Palate/ Cleft Lip Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Cerebral Palsy (a group of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement, muscle coordination, and balance) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Club Foot (deformed foot which is twisted so that the sole cannot be placed flat on the ground) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Congenital Dislocation of Hip (formation of the hip joint is abnormal) Y Y Y Y Y Y
  Truncus Arteriosus (rare type of heart disease that occurs at birth (Rare congenital heart disease, in which a single blood vessel (truncus arteriosus) comes out of the right and left ventricles) Y Y Y Y Y  
  Death due to Congenitial Illness ? ? ? S$5,000 S$10,000 ?
  Hospital Care Benefit of the following conditions: S$100 per day (max 30 days) or up to a limit of S$3,000 for: S$100 per day (max 30 days) or up to a limit of S$3,000 for: S$200 per day (max 30 days) or up to a limit of S$6,000 for: S$100 per day (max 30 days) or up to a limit of S$3,000 for: S$200 per day (max 30 days) or up to a limit of S$6,000 for: S$100 per day (max 25 days) or up to a limit of S$2,500 for:
  • Incubation of a newborn child for more than 3 consecutive days immediately following birth; Y Y Y Y Y y
  • Premature birth requiring care in neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU)/ High Dependency Unit (HDU); Y Y Y Y Y y
  • Inpatient hospitalisation due to Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease; or Y Y Y Y, (admission to ICU only) Y, (admission to ICU only) y
  • Admission into ICU/HDU Y Y Y Y Y  
  • Dengue Fever       Y, (admission to ICU only) Y, (admission to ICU only)  
  • Pneumonia       Y, (admission to ICU only) Y, (admission to ICU only)  
  Bronchitis       Y, (admission to ICU only) Y, (admission to ICU only)  
Misc Others:            
  Option to transfer to policy cover from mother to child without medical underwriting (60 day written notification from parents from date of birth) Y Y,
(opt to transfer INSPIRETM FlexiProtector/ INSPIRETM FlexiSaver to the child up to the sum assured of $200,000 with no further underwriting.)
(opt to transfer INSPIRETM FlexiProtector/ INSPIRETM FlexiSaver to the child up to the sum assured of $200,000 with no further underwriting.)
S$108 premium voucher given, which can be used to purchase Smart Life Advantage
or TotalShield plan for your newborn as early as 15 days after your child is born.
S$108 premium voucher given, which can be used to purchase Smart Life Advantage
or TotalShield plan for your newborn as early as 15 days after your child is born.
    Must add ILP:
Regular premium: $130/mth
Must add ILP:
Regular premium: $110/mth
Must add ILP:
Regular premium: $110/mth
    Must add ILP:
Regular premium: $100 and above

For new Mums - Freebies - Diapers, Milk & Others

As a 1st time preggy, there are too many brands of products out there and of course, like myself I doubt you will want to spend too much money trying all the brands by buying the lot. Hence, it is such a beauty to know that most of these brands do offer trials sample for you and your little baby to try before committing to whichever brand that you/your baby prefers. Here's the links collected to date...

Free diaper Samples

Bosom Singapore

Drypers Singapore

Goo.N Singapore

Huggies Singapore

Kao Merries Singapore

For Mamy Poko, you will need to PM them on their Facebook.

Merries Tape Diaper

Merries Walker Pants*

Free Formula Milk Samples

Abbott Similac Mum/ Formula Milk*
This is for both mother and baby, but you can only choose one.. Note that if you want baby milk like myself, they will only send you the sample after your child is 6 months. So u can only register for it after your child is born

Anmum Maternal/ Lacta
Eehhh.. this is mother's milk, not for baby

Dumex Mamil Mama/ Mamil Gold
Not too complicated...

Enfamama A+/ Enfagrow A+*
Oh.. website is a flop.. anyways, you join the club and receive samples after your child is born and at least 6 months of age.. 

Karihome Formula Milk
Short, sweet and easy form to enter.

Friso Mum Gold/ Friso Gold Formula Milk
Simple and straight-forward

Nestle Nan Pro/ HA Baby Weaning Pack
Oh, everything was fine till their password... there was no indication of having at least a capital letter and a symbol for password, and will just keep prompting you password error.

Wyeth S26 mama/ Baby Formula Milk
Oh.. another short sweet and easy form to enter


Bepanthen Nappy Cream:

CDA Saving from MSF

For those staying in Southwest of Singapore

For those babies to be born in Thomsom Medical Hospital
This is shared by a friend of mine...

hmm... please ignore the asterisks, it is a reminder for myself to revisit/subscript after baby is born..